However, we all have to get "married" legally at some local government building. The religious ceremony is completely separate.
I don't have a problem with gays having equal secular status to their relationships. I only wish that most gays would do it. Many liberal gays would not really like marriage when they realize the commitment: you are responsible for his DEBTS and all!
It took a while for me to come around to being pro gay legal marriage but I think it would be best for society. There will always be gays and they deserve what we have in terms of rights.
You are as full of sh*t as they are (gays). It would not be good for our society, and they have the same rights we have. Your moral compass is broken; if you have one at all.
Not unless you want the recognition. As it is, folks are free to marry by a religious ceremony and are not held by force of law to obtain a license. As far as I know the tax penalties still apply to marriage.
The reason they want the legal status is to use it as justification for forcing the relationships to be accepted on an equal basis with the historical meaning. The design behind this is to use the force of govm't to silence those that don't want their kids to be taught that it is not a good thing.
The fact is, that this gay marriage crap isn't even about friendship fundamentally. If it were, then present contract law would suffice. It's about normalizing all forms of sexual activities and the destruction of ancient historical concepts of family. The goal is to obliterate the family as the foundation of society and replace it with socialist bureaucracies of experts and their minions of underlings.
It's nihilism practiced for the advancement of socialism. The idea that gays need to be recognized as married is ridiculous. They will always be pretending.