While I take my hat off to skilled workers - union or otherwise - I can tell you a union hand doing this does not surprise me. Bullies with an attitude of a street gang knowing his union brothers will take his slack. This I know coming from a union family. My father was one of the honorable ones. Others in my family...well, lets just say a couple of them went to the Federal Pen for "interfering with a grand jury" which was investigating one of the union bosses. I've seen the bad side and the good side. As I've said before on here, unions were wonderful in their original concept. Now the fat cat bosses have priced them out of today's markets and they just don't "get it".
The link in #227 says the guy was a teamster that got an invite through his local in KY.
Oftentimes the thugs aren't the ones swinging hammers, building cars, and the like.