A man wearing a Sheet Metal Workers union shirt who was sitting next to the heckler grabbed him and put him in a headlock. Two other men sitting nearby joined in and pushed the heckler to the ground.
"I have nothing but the greatest respect for people's right to have their opinions and to express them here in the United States of America. That's who we are as Americans," Kerry said. "And I might add, it's a terrific tactic of the Bush team, they love to disrupt, they love to interrupt. They don't want America to hear the truth, but we will talk the truth."
So I guess having an opinion contrary to JF'nK is a tactic.
Thank you for the quote. I see I misinformed the forum.
Kerry spoke of the dreaded "Bush TEAM", not, as I misstated, the lowly "Bush people".
And as you say, having an opinion contrary to Kerry makes you part of this "Bush team" and part of a "tactic" of the omnipresent Bush campaign.