Please don't count our losses as only thosed killed in theatre. Many many have been wounded. I don't know the number off hand, but I recall something on the order of 7k. Many lives have been affected by this. Many of our brave soldiers will live on, but they will never be whole.
We should be able to appreciate their sacrifice, mourn our losses, without this turning into a political football.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not accusing you of turning this into a political football. It just puzzles me, though, how little has been said about the wounded in this war.
My biggest concern is not how many we have lost, or even how many have been wounded, but how many are GOING TO BE lost or wounded due to the politicization of the war by the Democrats.
Recently we let Al Sadr walk away because he and his henchmen holed up in a mosque. We should have a stated policy that they can not run or hide *anywhere* and if they try that again, flatten the place.
Sure, the moslems will be offended... but they will also think twice about fighting us if they know they can't hide.
As it is, now we have Sadr City lighting up, Fallujah is back on the action list, and we are still fighting people that we once had bottled up. Men are fighting and dying against enemies that were already caught. This pisses me off.