':" Talk about a flip flop.
So he was against the war, then for it...and now against it again?
That's why it isn't a flip flop. It's a flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop.'
Judy Woodruff said the delegates were chanting "Tic Toc" when giving her expert opinion on the President's acceptance speech the other night. She dismissed it as if it wasn't relevant. I'm not kidding. David, don't forget me, I'm a liberal too, Gergen finally filled the liberal loving Woodruff in my mentioning that he believed they were saying flip flop. Is Judy Woodruff that out of touch as a long time beltway insider?
I heard Woodruff say that too! LOL. I couldn't believe she didn't "get" it. What in the world would have been the significance of the crowd chanting "Tick Tock Tick Tock"? Oh well...