I have boycotted Muslim owned businesses since 9/11. It might be time to call for a National Boycott of these "fronts" for supporting radical Islamic terrorists.
Tabari VIII:96 A raiding party led by Zayd set out against Umm in Ramadan. During it, Umm suffered a cruel death. Zyad tied her legs with rope and then tied her between two camels until they split her in two. She was a very old woman. Then they brought Umms daughter and Abdallah to the Messenger. Umms daughter belonged to Salamah who had captured her. Muhammad asked Salamah for her, and Salamah gave her to him.
I've done the same thing -- I no longer patronize a Pakistani-owned convenience store a short walk from where I live, and avoid 7-11 and Dunkin'Donuts, which are very frequently owned by Arabs or Pakistanis. The Quik-Checks here in northern NJ are refreshingly free of middle eastern employees so I buy my paper and coffee from them. I also purchase my gas from either BP or Sunoco -- non-Saudi oil.