Anyone here who subscribes to a newspaper can help by threatening to cancell their subcription if AP does not clean up their act.
I canceled the local mullet wrapper a year ago because of their bias,and when they did one of their subscription drives,it felt really good to get another chance to tell them off.
My husband and I took this paper for almost twenty years,it's the only local one we have,but it got sold to new owners,got a new editor,and went down the tubes.
I don't know it stays in business,my whole area is conservative,and the local rag just keeps getting more and more biased. I wonder how they stya in business?
Call the "wire editror" or if they don't have that position, the "national editor" of your paper and tell them that inaccurate or unfair AP articles reflects on their paper and influences your decision to buy at the newsstand.
Also, AP's National Desk in their HQ is 212-621-1600.
What's a newspaper?