Isn't Brinkley the guy who tailored F'n's biography to whatever F'n told him to put down?
In other words, Brinkley already has a pretty good idea what this probe will uncover.
Strangest thing but I still have this gut feeling that this is what Wesley Clarke was saying was going to ruin Kerry's campaign. He had said this off the record and for some reason I think he knew something about this.
Doug Brinkley is very concerned about his career as historian and a popular one at that. Who's on TV all the time. This is Brinkley's way of washing his hands of John Kerry.
IOW.....A big minus for John effin' Kerry when his chosen campaign biographer repudiates Kerry's Vietnam accounts. There's enough Kerry dishonesty and scandal here for Brinkley to write 5 chapters in his memoirs.
How is it that Brinkley didn't learn of this stuff? Not so careful of a historian, is he?
Brinkley.... Does he know the difference between a discerning historian and being a clerical typist?
Yeap, sounds like the rats are jumpin' off the ship.
Brinkley is finding out now what it means to go out on a limb and put one's credentials at stake on the say so of someone who apparently ain't all that honest. But things being what they are, we'll probably hear the defenders in the press tell us all about how there should be no consequence to the actions of either party.
Kerry camp issued a statement that it was because he had changed boats and meant only that he hadn't been shot at in that particular boat.
He made Brinkley out to be the fool.
Technically it's a Hagiography.
hag·i·og·ra·phy [ hàggee óggrəfee, hàyjee óggrəfee ] (plural hag·i·og·ra·phies)
1. biography of saint: biography of a saint or the saints
2. biography revering its subject: biography that treats its subject with undue reverence
Yes, and it looks like he's running for the hills.
I'm pretty cynical, and I'm stunned.
Yes he is. Brinkley believed that Kerry had resigned before the Kansas City meeting. What was his source? It was Kerry himself. The scumbag lied to him.
Yes, and Lipscombe appeared on Rush's show Friday afternoon and detailed chapter and verse of Kerry's lies.
Maybe the death knell for Brinkley getting to author another book, also??
Maybe Brinkley's decided that the loss of what's left of his reputation isn't worth it.