OKay, who gets credit for that line?
Speak up
Watery Tart, you made the NYT :-)
To: Ruth A.
These pictures capture him running from one vacation activity to another in pastimes that are really for a much younger generation.
He married the all-inclusive package. EVERYTHING is included.
87 posted on 07/18/2004 8:22:03 AM PDT by Watery Tart (Kerry is bin Laden's Man/Bush is Mine)
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Inquiring minds want to know!
And just how did the slimes know that they were sneering? Bwahahaha!
Jealous little slimes, taking potshots at Freepers who are showing the slimes for what they are.
Take a leap slimes, we are the new media.
If no one comes forward to take credit for that line, I will. It sounds exactly like something I'd say. I might have said it, I just don't remember. I could have been drunk, as I often am when I'm on FR.