Good read from across the pond
Mr Bush has that uniquely American gift for reinventing yourself with perfect sincerity, whereas Mr Kerry's self-reinvention looks insincere.
I wonder if this guy's parentage includes an American soldier from World War I or World War II. Perhaps he's a Scott... He certainly can't be descended from the French. ;-)
Great piece from across the pond. Bookmarked.
As My Hero Teddy Roosevelt would say: Bully!
USA,USA,USA,USA....It is a country that believes very deeply in freedom, but its idea of freedom is so strongly related to its sense of itself that, when it feels external threat, it reacts with unified fury...USA,USA,USA,USA!!!
Europe lost that belief a century ago. It was replaced by something called SOCIALISM. It saps the people of freedom, will, courage, values and turns them into...sheeple.
John Kerry's family "graduated" from Judaism to Christianity so they could social-climb.
Interesting and right on target, too.
Why is it the Brits see America in a better light then the Liberals in this country???
God Bless GWB, and God Bless America
Thank God for making me an American.
Quality analysis bump!
I liked it.
Hey, that's just what I said in the thread about President Bush's speech here, that he was setting the agenda and making the 'rat candidate scurry like a rat to keep up,I feel vindicated:)
This is a very different way of looking at our election. It's very good. Think about it. I will later...
Another big Al Queda attack before the U.S. election would result in their (Al Queda's) own worst nightmare.
Since three years ago next Saturday -- 911 04 will be on a Saturday when family and friends sit around and talk. Add two more points to the Bush side of the voting. If there are no changes in the world a 10 to 13 point lead six weeks before the election looks good.
The author seems to be implying that W converted in part for political reasons. Nothing could be further from the truth. He converted for 2 reasons: personal belief, and so he and Laura could attend the same services.
What a great "in-the-real-tradition-of-'The-Tele'" piece.
And except for a glaring mis-statement of libertarianism's ambitions -- for Strong and Limited [Constitutional!] Government -- very hard to fault.
Way to go Charlie Moore!
And, oh -- had not once-great-Britain's once-great inhabitants degenerated along with the those of the rest of Europe's Neo-Soviet into such a squalidly-sorry and systemically-enslaved, parasitically-socialistic state -- for a 'New Commonwealth of the English-Speaking Peolpes.'
May God continue to bless our President.
May God continue to bless US, in our President.
And may God continue to bless our beloved FRaternal Republic and our erstwhile enemies never forget that our "dea of freedom is so strongly related to its sense of [Ourselves] that, when [We] feel external threat, [We will ever] react with unified fury!"
Blessings -- Brian