Well, just to keep things straight, I think he volunteered for the swiftboats. I remember when BUPERS sent out communications trying to get volunteers from the fleet for what the euphemistically referred to as "shore duty". I believe the "brown water navy" was made up of such volunteers.
"When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing." But two weeks after he arrived in Vietnam, the swift boat mission changed -- and Kerry went from having one of the safest assignments in the escalating conflict to one of the most dangerous. Under the newly launched Operation SEALORD, swift boats were charged with patrolling the narrow waterways of the Mekong Delta to draw fire and smoke out the enemy. Cruising inlets and coves and canals, swift boats were especially vulnerable targets. "...... Kerry to the Globe.
Do you have anything that you can point me to that verifies Kerry seeking a deferment and then entering the USNR? I would LOVE to have that on hand to shove in my Dem brother's face. Unfortunately, while I have heard this repeatedly, I haven't found anything yet to back up this claim. Thanks.
Volunteered to fight the Ferocious North Vietnam NAVY!