Since that school takeover in Russia, my concerns for similar tactics here at home have been exacerbated.
School is now in session in many areas, and we have a little over two months to go before the Elections. Does that convergence of factors concern anyone else just a little?
Given what a couple of whacked out juvenile delinquents did to Columbine, I don't even want to imagine what a team of trained AlQuida Terrorists could - and would - do with a large school.
Of course in obediance to the ironclad rule of PC, American schools remain officially disarmed "killing zones".
If Kliebold and company didn't mind violating some 18 anti-gun laws at Columbine, I don't suppose that suicidal islammonazis will lose much sleep over such "laws" either, do you?
Only they will be much better armed, equipped, and trained.
Will we be seeing any significant security around our schools this year, or any armed community "civil defense" activation to protect our kids?
Probably not; wouldn't be PC, you know.
I'm glad our Daughter is out of school now; God help and protect our kids who are currently compelled to attend these PC Government indoctrination centers!
Re 158: I think I just posted that on the wrong thread.