To: Dr. Scarpetta
They did sound more like high school than college.
38 posted on
08/31/2004 8:55:35 PM PDT by
(Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.)
To: nuconvert
They were probably very nervous. In comparison, John Edwards' daughter did a good job with her speech, maybe it would have been better if the twins tried to be a little more serious.
45 posted on
08/31/2004 8:57:53 PM PDT by
To: nuconvert
They did sound more like high school than college.
And that's after the parents dropped, what, $160,000 or more on their Yale education?
46 posted on
08/31/2004 8:58:15 PM PDT by
(Take the first step in the war on terror - defeat John Kerry)
To: nuconvert
They did sound more like high school than college.
As a now late 20-something male I've got to let you know that's what most females I deal with act like these days.
192 posted on
08/31/2004 11:12:38 PM PDT by
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