would you mind displaying your creditials as electrophysisist, along with the current research budget you control?
Because I am just wondering how people that have more letters behind their name than Vanna white could feed their family for the last 15 years if there is ABSOLUTELY nothing behind it?
I am certainly interested in understanding your cognitive level of knowledge of the subject that makes you so confident that the work of all these people is trash.
As you explain this "fallacy" please use small words for those of us like me can understand what you are saying.
BTW Isnt it curious that the Navy is doing this research? Do you think it is worth their time and effort to explore if sea water could be used for a catalyst for fuel?
Anyway looking forward to your well thought out detailed response.
So you're saying that since research is being done by everyone from charlatans like Pons' partner up to the Navy, that implies that cold fusion is de facto true? Is that why Pons and co. were run out of town on a rail all those years ago, to linger in the shadows of crank research desperate to prove to the cult that surrounds them, that yes, the truth is out there?
As the gentleman that posted just above very succinctly put it: if it's real, show me the neutrons. As no one has yet to do this, despite what you claim to be fifteen years of rigorous research with nothing to show for it, I'll stand by me reading of the evidence which, regardless of what you may say or think (if you can call it that), has proved fruitless, dead end after deader end.
Till then, I leave you and your cohorts to your flights of fancy, where Big Foot, ET and the perpetual motion machine are all being waylaid by evil sheiks, menacing oil companies and the Illuminati.