Not much difference anymore. Both parties are sliding into socialism, our Constitution is being bastardized, and the ideals of our founding fathers have been all but forgotten.
I know where you are coming from. Where the American socialist movement, helped by the FDR administration, failed - they succeeded in the field of economics. The bastardized economics of Keynes was the worse thing to happen to Western thought. The Soviet Union fell, but America, like most of the West, has fallen for the charms of "mixed economies". All you have to do is read stuff by John Kenneth Galbraith to understand the thinking behind economic policy of most Western governments. "Jump starting" the economy. Managing downturns. It's all from the playbook of socialized nations. Whether you call them facist or communist. Interest rates are suppose move in a FREE market, yet America allows an unelected (and politically compromised - he worked in the investment bank industry) Alan Greenspan set short term interest rates.
Some may wonder why, since I'm a Canadian, should I care? Because, as much as my compatriots may deny it, the US leads the Western world. We follow. The US goes down the road of fiscal deficit spending. So do we. American capitalism falls. So does ours.