LOL....Wait! How can Bush "lead" among "undecided voters"?
Keep in mind that all Zogby polls are suspect at this point.
how can someone have a "lead" with "undecided" voters. what a load of crap.
I have not interest in pimping BS polls, even when they favor my guy.
Let me be amongst the first to say.....GREAT NEWS!
It has always puzzled me why so much hate could be directed towards such a loving, caring, humble man.
But many in this world hate that spirit.
The pollsters ain't seen nuttin' yet! I predict Bush will win in one of the biggest landslides in history. From here on out, Kerry will get a daily b*tch slapping.
If W has gained 25%(holy camels)of the undecided wouldn't precentage plus his regualr numbers completely blow sKerry outta the water? The undecided are the holy grail of this election...according to the mediaWHORES, so in that case W should have a sizable lead of 15 to 20pts against LURCH..right?!
What an odd poll. I find the "likeability" numbers significant, because I think a large number of voters end up pulling the lever for the candidate they "like," even if they don't necessarily approve of his policies.