Compare the pictures in Post# 17 and Post# 23 from the same MTV event. The Bush twins appear a bit more approachable, normal, and regular-American-like as compared to the Kerry girls.
It might be that the Kerry girls are a decade older, but they don't seem to radiate the same charisma and charm.
No need to talk about the rest of the candidates' families. Laura vs. Theresa? Please! Laura's calm nature and honesty remind you of a friend or neighbor you have known for thirty years. Theresa does not give someone the warm n' fuzzies.
~ Blue Jays ~
I just watched the replay of it. It was clear that the Kerry girls got booed, and booed hard. And they were visibly upset by it -- they turned to look around to see where the booing was coming from, and the one of them did the shush sign.