Liberal talking heads want us to believe the Swifties' message will be off the radar screen within a week. What joy to hear Britt Hume tell us this issue will not die soon and that the money coming in from the successful sale of their book will be used to continue the drum beat.
From the little I've seen lately on MSM, you're probably right, it won't be so much on mainstream media. But I don't have one ounce of doubt the Swift Boat Veterans won't keep up their issues!!
The medal issue was just a softball lob. Kerry's Anti-War crap when he returned is the real issue.
He tried to SHAME them. And he did a pretty good job of it. He couldn't be proud of his own record; he didn't have a very good one. When I hear MSM (mainstream media), like ABC, CBS, NBC) calling him a hero; I just realize they know less that I and many more at FR know. Folks here have researched this issue to no end. And yet the MSM says nothing, because they have not done their homework to investigate.