I would suspect that John Adams probably had evangelical extremists and zealots such as yourself in mind
The bigoted hatred for particular denominations of Christians spewing out of "philosopher kings" like you is why the Founders disdained atheists and those who would seek to use the apparatus of the government to restrict freedom of public religious worship.
I see no reason to give out medicine for the dead.
You are the one who is spiritually dead and your disgusting hatred of religious freedom has borne bitter fruit.
"The Founders were Christians, this is a Christian Nation which has a form of government based on and rooted in Christianity."
Repeat assertion as if fact, in ignorance of contrary evidence...check.
"The bigoted hatred for particular denominations of Christians spewing out of "philosopher kings" like you is why the Founders disdained atheists and those who would seek to use the apparatus of the government to restrict freedom of public religious worship."
Personal attacks, playing "victim" card, repeat unfounded assertions, rail about "atheists"...check
"You are the one who is spiritually dead and your disgusting hatred of religious freedom has borne bitter fruit."
Repeat and strengthen personal attacks, create strawman, and toss about slander after being well-countered...check.
Yep, it's the real Joe, alright.
Joe, if you don't want anyone to disagree with you, you should really post this sort of nonsense over in the religion forums. You'll likely find a few more back-patters over there than here.
Your mistake is in thinking that we somehow can't read the Constitution as written.