We all had a great time out there today. It was hot in that sunshine. I had some flip-flops that I had ties onto a fishing rod so that they could be seen in the air and TaxRelief had a pair on a pole she dug out of the trunk of her car. We had signs and the Libertarians were glad to see us I think. Without us they would have had about half the number of ralliers. We heard them start up across the street with the National Anthem. Then the speakers started. We couldn't actually hear much of what was said. They did try to make it a patriotic rally. At some point I noticed that little American flags on a stick were being passed out. I agree that they had somewhere between 200 -300 there and we were probably about 15 in number. They knew we were there after we chanted "Flip-flop" and sang the Flipper song (with some changes in the words). I got to meet another local Freeper, Clyde Asbury, and Bob's Babe who had been with us in Raleigh for the Rally for America. That's two local Freepers who can be of help around here. The fellow from Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry was there and really got John Kerry's minions going a couple of times. I want to try and find us some little plastic megaphones like the DC Chapter has. The pictures are being uploaded that I took today and sent to TaxRelief for uploading to FreeRepublic. I am very html ignorant. I only took about six of them. There were some Fayetteville police out there along the street but not many. I would say there were about 4 or 5 maybe that watched the street along the park. They were there mostly there to keep people from parking along the curb there. We got some thumbs down signals from some of the drivers and probably more who gave us a thumbs up. There were no one-fingered salutes that I saw. They knew we were there and I guess that's the point that we wanted to make.