VVAW FBI Files - Section 34.pdf, page 36
The Paris report follows: This was given by [ redacted continued redaction 1 line ] VVAW sent 15 people to Paris June 25-28 [1972], to establish closer contact with the people of Indo-China. It seems to have had its most value in radicalizing further the people who went. They each spoke of the trip as a very moving experience personally although some questioned the need to send so many people as it was an expensive proposition to finance the trip to to New York for the fifteen. The French Communist Party picked up the tab for their overseas flight and stay. Brian Adams[*] recently returned from a Venceremos Brigade to Cuba and spoke, relating what he saw in Cuba to the Paris trip. He said, "It gives you the perspective of being in a liberated zone, and of not just knowing, but of understanding the hate directed against America as an imperialistic nation. It gives you an understanding of our basic misunderstandings with the communist nations."
*Brian Adams, member of VVAW Executive Committee