None of them true.
Did the Dog get a PH ?
Now that is ridiculously slanderous of you. In fact, I had a Lefty tell me just today, that Kerry is telling the truth, as is Move-On and that the 200+ SBVets are lying "scumbags" paid for by Karl Rove and have been utterly refuted on every claim.
Now we have the dog story, complete with a convenient picture of said entree... cause you see he was, as Zon. pointed out, a French Saucer-guy. They chased a tiger through the jungle. Their Swiftboat hit a mine that sunk the #3 boat, throwing Rassman into the water and VC onto the #4 boat. Later they were torpedoed by a Jap sub while delivering A-bomb parts in the South Pacific and nearly the entire crew eaten by sharks, but not before Kerry rescued them in a Klingon Bird of Prey captured in battle and propelled around the sun back in time to pick up a humpback whale and deliver it to the planet Cambodia in the Vega sector.
I'm there, Man. You just need to have faith.