To: Peach
Kerry's assertions about being a victim, McCain said this, blah blah blah will all go unchallenged by the media. Watch.
21 posted on
08/24/2004 7:53:43 AM PDT by
(Results matter.)
To: rintense
I hope he does keep crying and bellyaching. I hope he does keep lamenting the lack of discussion of the "real" issues like honor, integrity, loyalty...oops, I mean the feelgood issues like makework jobs, government givaways, and pandering to minorities.
37 posted on
08/24/2004 7:57:14 AM PDT by
("Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Ted" - Joseph Kennedy 1958)
To: rintense
McCain had best step up to the plate and tell Kerry he DOES NOT want his image used in that commercial.
Up until now I've given McCain somewhat of a pass because it is clear when you see him in person off camera that he is a damaged person from his years in captivity.
But to allow Kerry to use his image and mis-state what really happened between McCain and Bush in 2000 is an outrage.
56 posted on
08/24/2004 8:02:17 AM PDT by
(The Clinton's pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson