To: NavySEAL F-16; Howlin; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
2 posted on
08/24/2004 7:48:14 AM PDT by
(Bill Clinton has just signed to be the national spokesman for Hummer..)
90 posted on
08/24/2004 8:08:07 AM PDT by
(FR NEWS ALERT .... John Kerry over dosed on Botox and thinks he's Bob KerrEy)
To: ken5050
The question is not does he have a dog, but has he put her on a short leash with a muzzle on it?
I haven't heard anything on Tereza since she passed the note in Iowa to give her little rant on organic pig farming~!
To: ken5050
I'm am so fed up with the media and the way Kerry is treated compared to Bush.This is so very wrong for America,the media thinks they control us by what they tell us is fact from fiction and it is true many are controlled by them. For the protection of our nation and it's future it must stop.It they succeed and Kerry wins from that day on they will NEVER give up their power again! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson