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1 posted on 08/23/2004 9:53:38 PM PDT by Mia T
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To: WorkingClassFilth; jla; Gail Wynand; Brian Allen; Wolverine; Lonesome in Massachussets; IVote2; ...


2 posted on 08/23/2004 9:55:15 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T

How much more can there possibly be, I wonder?

3 posted on 08/23/2004 9:58:30 PM PDT by Eastbound
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To: Mia T

This might be a more effective piece if the format wasn't reminiscent of a ransom note composed of words cut from magazines.

4 posted on 08/23/2004 9:59:45 PM PDT by John Jorsett
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To: jla


5 posted on 08/23/2004 10:08:11 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Wolverine


6 posted on 08/23/2004 10:08:31 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Brian Allen

7 posted on 08/23/2004 10:08:49 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T


8 posted on 08/23/2004 10:13:47 PM PDT by prophetic (Dems investigate for pre 9/11intel - but now we've LOTS of Intel and they claim politics)
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To: Mia T

Good stuff.

11 posted on 08/23/2004 10:22:37 PM PDT by demlosers
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To: Mia T
Devastating as usual, Mia...

And yet, I can't help but be struck by the possibility that over 45% will still vote for a man who NOT ONLY lies more than a 4 year old, but isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand.

17 posted on 08/23/2004 10:34:27 PM PDT by F16Fighter
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To: Mia T

I wonder if Kerry's medical records include an all expenses paid vacation at "little" Tripler in Hawaii....

18 posted on 08/23/2004 10:49:05 PM PDT by rolling_stone
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To: KiloLima


19 posted on 08/23/2004 11:10:47 PM PDT by Ros42
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To: All


Sunday, August 22, 2004

Ed Koch: I'm voting for Bush
New York Democrat: Kerry doesn't have stomach to go after terrorists

Posted: August 22, 2004
7:02 p.m. Eastern


By Aaron Klein

© 2004


Former New York City Mayor Edward Koch, a Democrat, will for the first time in his life vote for a Republican presidential candidate this year because he feels Kerry "doesn't have the stomach" to fight terrorism, Koch told WorldNetDaily.

"While I don't agree with Bush on a single domestic issue, they are all trumped by the issue of terrorism, where he has enunciated the Bush Doctrine and proven his ability to fight this war," said Koch. "The Democratic Party just doesn't have the stomach to go after terrorists."


Koch, now a partner in a Manhattan law firm, was mayor of New York from 1978-89, and served for nine years as a U.S. congressman until 1977. He's known for his liberal views on various issues, including his staunch support of same-sex marriage and leftist ideas for the economy and environment.

While he has in the past deviated from conventional liberal thinking, strongly supporting the death penalty and taking a hard line on "quality of life" issues, Koch has always supported Democratic presidential candidates.

But the former mayor says he was sickened by what he witnessed at the Democratic National Convention last month and now feels the Democratic Party is moving in the wrong direction.

"I saw Kerry surrounded by radical politicians like [former President Jimmy] Carter and [Sen. Ted] Kennedy. ... I know Kerry will succumb to their pressure if elected. They are with Kerry not because they like him, but because their true candidate Howard Dean couldn't get elected, and they wanted someone who they can have elected and dominate," charged Koch.

"As long as Kennedy and Robert Byrd are considered major leaders of the Democratic Party, and while we're seeing radical candidates like Howard Dean, whose radical-left supporters have been described by the press as 'Deaniacs,' the Democratic Party will be limited in its ability to serve the country well in times of crisis and war like we face now."

Koch thinks Kerry is putting on a facade by campaigning as tough on terrorism, and worries the Democratic nominee plans to pull American troops from Iraq prematurely, signaling to al-Qaida and terror-supporting Mideast dictators that the U.S. doesn't have the will to fight terrorism.

"Kerry says now that he'd stay in Iraq, but the people who support him would get out tomorrow. If he's president, they would pressure him to do that," Koch said. "They don't care what Kerry says now. They believe he is saying things simply to ingratiate himself with mainstream Democrats and some Republicans."

Koch has been impressed with Bush's response to the Sept. 11 attacks, and says terrorism must rank as the most important issue for voters in the November elections.

He says he supports Bush because "I think the Bush Doctrine of pre-emption is crucial. Bush says 'We will go after the terrorists and the countries that harbor them.' And he has demonstrated that he means it by invading Afghanistan and Iraq, both threats to their regions and to the U.S."

The security of Israel is another major issue for Koch, who is proud of his Jewish heritage and says he is frightened by the "prospects of disaster" in the Middle East if Kerry is elected president. Koch says he "cannot understand why Jews who care about Israel would vote Democrat this year."

"Look at what Kerry said before the Council on Foreign Relations, where he made his foreign-affairs positions known. He said if he were president, he'd select James Baker and Jimmy Carter as emissaries to Israel. They are two of the most hostile politicians toward Israel! These are the last people you'd send if you cared about the Jewish state and the Middle East.

"And when Kerry was accosted by Jewish leaders for saying that, he claimed he hadn't seen that part in his speech, that it was inserted at the last minute by staff people. Now as a politician, I know you read this kind of speech dozens of times. He knew it was in there. So Kerry doesn't tell the truth, either."

Many Jews feel Carter and Baker have taken a consistently pro-Palestinian line, and some were worried by Carter's comments at the convention, where he linked the Bush administration's policy toward Israel to anti-American sentiment.

"Violence has gripped the Holy Land, with the region increasingly swept by anti-American passions," Carter told the convention in a prime-time speech many Democrats said marked his revival as a central figure in the party.

Koch says he found it "both interesting and disturbing" that Kerry omitted any reference to Israel during his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention.

"But I am convinced that President Bush will never trade Israel's special relationship with the U.S. for political support, be it domestic or international. Bush is probably the most supportive of Israel of any U.S. president in history. I doubt John Kerry and the Deaniacs who now embrace him would have the same resolve."

Koch points to Bush's isolation of Arafat, and his viewing of Israel as a strategic partner in the war on terror as positive foreign-policy elements.

Koch says he plans to campaign for Bush among the Jews of New York and South Florida in the coming two months. He says he will write a flurry of op-eds in Jewish newspapers, and has already started hitting the airwaves, talking to several Jewish radio shows, including Israel's Tovia Singer Radio Show, which many American Jews follow online.

"You see, I was elected mayor because New Yorkers trusted my insights and common sense," explains Koch. "And I believe they still do. They and the rest of America must realize Islamic terrorists want to destroy us, and there are hundreds of millions of them. I want a president who is willing to go after them before they have the chance to kill us."


Aaron Klein is WorldNetDaily's special Middle East correspondent, whose past interview subjects have included Yasser Arafat, Ehud Barak, Shlomo Ben Ami and leaders of the Taliban.

20 posted on 08/23/2004 11:15:58 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T

bump! I read Unfit for Command and put away the lying, what came through is what a nutter Kerry is.

22 posted on 08/24/2004 4:19:07 AM PDT by Leisler (Kerry, release your Department of Defense SF 180)
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To: Mia T

Well ofcourse I'm no psychiatrist, but I think kerry has a bit of an algore problem, let's face it, here's a guy who has made up all kind of grand stories about his heroics in battle, the question I wonder is, is kerry a narcissist who would do anything to get power and wealth, or is he a just a liar and an opportunist?

Either way, God help us if he gets elected!

28 posted on 08/24/2004 6:05:57 AM PDT by marta R
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To: jla; All

The Left's Fatally Flawed "Animal Farm" Mentality
(Why America Must NEVER AGAIN Elect a Democrat President)


by Mia T, 6.04.04


(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)

The Bush Doctine is built on two pillars, one -- that the United States must maintain its absolute military superiority in every part of the world, and second -- that the United States has the right for preemptive action.

Now, both these propositions, taken on their own, are quite valid propositions, but if you put them together, they establish two kinds of sovereignty in the world, the sovereignty of the United States, which is inviolate, not subject to any international constraints, and the rest of the world, which is subject to the Bush Doctrine.

To me, it is reminiscent to [sic] George Orwell's "Animal Farm," that "All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

George Soros

eorge Soros could not have more clearly enunciated the lethal danger that he and John Kerry and the clintons and the rest of his leftist cabal pose for America.

Yesterday, at the "progressive," i.e., ultra-extremist left-wing liberal, "Take Back America" confab, Mr. Soros confirmed the obvious: 9/11 was dispositive for the Dems; that is, 9/11 accelerated what eight years of the clintons had set into motion, namely, the demise of a Democratic party that is increasingly irrelevant, unflinchingly corrupt, unwaveringly self-serving, chronically moribund and above all, lethally, seditiously dangerous.

"All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Apparently missing the irony, George Soros chastised America with these words even as he was trying his $25,000,000, 527-end-run damnedest to render himself "more equal than others" in order to foist his radical, paranoic, deadly dementia on an entire nation.

"Animal Farm" is George Orwell's satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution; but it could just as easily be the story of the Democratic Party of today, with the

Kennedy-Pelosi-Gore-clinton (either--"one for the price of two," I say) -Sulzberger-Soros-Moore construct

its porcine manifestation.


Soros' little speech reveals everything we need to know about the Left, to wit:

  • its naivete about the War on Terror,
  • its preference for demagoguery over rational argument, and ideology and reacquisition of power over national security,
  • its mindset, which is inextricably bound to its failed, tortuous, reckless schemes, relics of a different time, a different war and a different enemy.

Soros is correct when he states that each of the two pillars of the Bush Doctine--the United States maintenance of absolute military superiority and the United States right of preemptive action--are "valid propositions" [in a post-9/11 world].

But when he proceeds from there to argue that the validity of each of these two [essential] pillars is somehow nullified by the resultant unequalled power that these two pillars, when taken together, vest in the United States, rational thought and national-security primacy give way to dogmatic Leftist neo-neoliberal ideology.


What is, in fact, "inviolate" here is the neo-neoliberal doctrine of U.S. sovereignty, which states simply that there must be none, that we must yield our sovereignty to the United Nations. Because this Leftist tenet is inviolate, and because it is the antithesis of the concept of U.S. sovereignty enunciated by the Bush Doctrine and the concept of U.S. sovereignty required by the War on Terror, rabid Leftists like Soros conclude that we must trash the latter two inconvenient concepts--even if critical to the survival of our country.

It is precisely here where Soros and the Left fail utterly to understand the War on Terror. They cannot see beyond their own ideology and lust for power. They have become a danger to this country no less lethal than the terrorists they aid and abet.


I think this administration has the right strategic vision and has taken many of the steps needed to get that long-term strategy rolling.

Where I give them the failing grade is in explaining that vision to the American public and the world. Key example: this White House enshrines preemptive war in the latest National Security Strategy and that scares the hell out of a lot of Americans, not to mention our allies. Why? This administration fails to distinguish sufficiently under what conditions that strategy makes reasonable sense.

My point is this: when you are explicit about the world being divided into globalization's Core and Gap, you can distinguish between the different security rule sets at work in each.

Nothing has changed about strategic deterrence or the concept of mutual-assured destruction (or MAD) within the Core, so fears about preemptive wars triggering World War III are misplaced.

When this administration talks about preemption, they're talking strictly about the Gap - not the Core. The strategic stability that defines the Core is not altered one whit by this new strategy, because preemption is all about striking first against actors or states you believe - quite reasonably - are undeterrable in the normal sense.

Thomas P.M. Barnett
The Pentagon's New Map
NB: Dr. Barnett is a lifelong DEMOCRAT

I'm a single-issue voter, as I guess must have become apparent.

I'm not a Republican. I'm not a conservative. I'm not a very great admirer of the president in many ways, but I think that my condition is... that this is an administration that wakes up every morning wondering how to make life hard for the forces of Jihad and how to make as hard as possible an unapologetic defense of civilization against this kind of barbarism... and though the Bush administration has been rife with disappointment on this and incompetent, I nonetheless feel that they have some sense of that spirit.

I don't get that... I don't get that feeling from anyone who even sought the Democratic nomination.

I would [therefore] have to vote for the reelection of President Bush.

Christopher Hitchens
Washington Journal, 6.01.04






getting kerry's goat
john kerry lacks presidential temperament

Two Psychologists on Kerry: Dangerous on National Security

YOO-HOO! . .

"bombastic ass" is not the antidote to "boorish ass"
(or why Keith Olbermann Cannot Do Cleanup for Chris Matthews)

UNFIT #19:


Kerry, NOT Bush, paralyzed by 9/11 attacks
Hear Kerry admit he could not think

THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 3
UNFIT #10: 9/10 mindset

THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2

THE DEMOCRATS-ARE-GONNA-GET-US-KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES1

dox in sox on lummox in box on fox

(what Kerry's commanders and crewmates REALLY think of him--with transcripts)

Did John Kerry pick a running mate or hire a lawyer when he selected John Edwards?

THE MAN FROM HOPE: been there, done that

"Hope is on the way!" (the scoop)

all the usual suspects

A Vote for Kerry is a Vote for the Terrorists


taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief

taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief


UNFIT #6: The Deadly Kerry-Hollywood Axis

UNFIT: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief
#1-making the tough choices in a post-9/11 world
UNFIT: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief
#2-understanding the job description

UNFIT: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief
#3-sang-froid and the "nuclear" button

UNFIT: taking the measure of a would-be commander-in-chief
#4 - Kerry champions tolerance for terrorists

sanitizing evil
Kerry Cabal Censors Nick Berg Decapitation

"Loose Cannon" Kerry's AWOL/PURPLE-HEART FRAUD

pro-islamofascist-terrorist radical chic



The Cycle of Violence:

the left's jihad against America is killing our troops, aiding + abetting the terrorists and imperiling all Americans

bill clinton, boy "genius," unwittingly bares all on BBC

deconstructing clinton… "just because I could"

vetting missus clinton...

The Parallel Universe of Jamie Gorelick

nepotism + tokenism = a nancy pelosi
(or a hillary clinton)

Kerry's Belated Condemnation Focuses on Process
Kerry Lacks Moral Authority to Condemn Content

"CRY BUSH" + Iraqi-Prisoner "Abuse"
What are the Dems up to?

(Clinton: Claims I Turned Down Bin Laden are 'Bull')

The Mary Jo White Memo:
Documentation of clintons' and Gorelick's willful, seditious malfeasance

What is the REAL Reason for Gorelick's Wall?

giant sucking sound

Q ERTY6 utter failureBUMP
Lib Author Regrets Voting (TWICE!) for clinton
"Sickened" by clinton's Failure to Protect America from Terrorism

How clintons' Failures Unleashed Global Terror

(Who in his right mind would ever want the clintons back in the Oval Office?)
The Man Who Warned America
(Why a Rapist is Not a Fit President)
UDAY: "The end is near… this time I think the… Americans are serious, Bush is not like Clinton."

29 posted on 08/24/2004 6:05:58 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
actually, this scares me the way i suspect adolph hitler scared thoughtful germans in 1930-1932.

how this clown can get as far politically as he has, and makes a mockery of his service to his country, while being promoted and moved along by powerful forces?

parallels the rise of the adolph hitler.

these parallels are much more numerous than those which try to portray GWB as Hitler, as DU, and the left implies:

o Kerry and Hitler were both "War Heros" with medals.
o Kerry and Hitler were heros in wars that their nation "lost".
o Kerry and Hitler were both "Wounded" in that war.
o Kerry and Hitler are both opportunists.
o Kerry and Hitler are dedicated to overthrow the existing order.
o Kerry and Hitler were both leaders of radical organizations willing to use violence to win.
o Kerry and Hitler used national dissatisfaction with the war they fought in to gain political prominence.
o Kerry and Hitler gathered up many recruits to his cause from the new-age paganist movement and the ecology movement.
o Kerry and Hitler use sympathetic newsmedia to mold what people are allowed to know and believe.
o Kerry and Hitler use their ties to the entertainment business to stage grandious events meant to impress the weak minded.
o Kerry and Hitler supress or ban books dangerous to them.
o Kerry and Hitler are both adopted by the super-rich as a vehicle to take political control.
o Kerry and Hitler are both socialists.
o Kerry and Hitler are both power hungry narcissists with "psychological issues".

35 posted on 08/24/2004 7:42:04 AM PDT by chilepepper (The map is not the territory -- Alfred Korzybski)
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To: Mia T

You keep me so busy. Thank you.

36 posted on 08/24/2004 7:43:00 AM PDT by lonestar (Me, too!--Weinie)
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To: Mia T


Sent to my email list with annotations and emphases!

Of course.

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To: Mia T; Admin Moderator

Can you please provide a link to this article.

The article is excellent. I wish to distribute it w/o all the distractions.

Thanks in advance.

42 posted on 08/24/2004 2:43:11 PM PDT by citizen (Write-in Tom Tancredo Pres./Jeff Flake V.P. 2004!)
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To: Mia T


44 posted on 08/24/2004 4:04:05 PM PDT by jla (
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