Will freepers wait until free republic gets hacked (and your information gets posted) or will we band together now and *DO SOMETHING*?
I suspect that the Robinsons have their hands full fending off the constant barrage of cyber attacks from the leftist freaks.
This election year has seen the use of 'dirty' tactics from the left; the likes of which I've never seen. The country is divided, and the future of the constitutional republic, as we know it, is under dire threat.
That being said; if I were technically inclined, I would think nothing of cracking and hacking any and all leftist websites that I could lay my keyboard on.
Ideally; it's fine and dandy to attempt to keep the 'fight' on a 'civilized' level. However, the left has already demonstrated that it isn't willing to follow suit. It may be time to take the fight to the level of the enemy.
Someone once told me: "You don't apply the Marquis of Queensbury rules to a street fight".
It's probably way past time to pull out all the stops, but it's becoming apparent that it must be done.
So be it.
Deo Vindice (God Vindicates)