Honest, sincere, seekers of the truth look at both sides in order to see what the big uproar is about. Those that do contrast Kerry and his attack dogs and their rabid attempts to smear the Swifties with the detailed, documented and reasonably presented information of the Swifties.
This is a big time loser for Kerry...as well it should be.
In essence, the Kerry campaign is funding the PR for the swifties.
The best thing Kerry could have done was to ignore it and mitigate the damage to what the Swifites could afford themselves.
But Kerry and his ilk love a lie and so they must attack...and thereby bring more and more attention to the issue...and to the truth.
> 1. Americans know George Bush has no war record.
Actually, we know he has an amazing war record in the war
that counts, the one going on right now.
> ... while Kerry is calling Bush a draft-dodger.
Calling attention to Bush's enlistment motives/expectations
vs. Kerry's is apt to surprise anyone who thinks it favors
> He needs to let Americans (preferably in swing states)
> know how these ads break his heart.
Why not just refute the charges instead? SF-180 anyone?
> There is a media double standard of titanic proportions
> in this story. News outlets like the New York Times look
> silly ...
The progessive propagandist press will not even begin to
pretend to become objective until looking silly becomes
painful (and/or it's clear JfK will lose, and/or Hillary
tells the NYT to turn on Kerry).
The Swift Boat Veterans are liars because Bush served in the National Guard.
This needs to be shouted from the mountain tops.
Wow! Thank you for posting this. I didn't expect MSNBC to allow anything like this on their site. I'm relieved to know there's hope yet for them.
Joe, you poor Shmoe, Dubya has a fabulous war record. He has served as Commander-in-Chief for the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq during the past four years.
Kerry wants us to believe that his four months in command a crew of six sailors 35 years ago qualifies him to be Commander-in-Chief today.
Now, solely on the basis of this information, would ANY sentient human being choose Kerry?
These people are more hideous than they were in the Clinton years.
What we'd like to know is this: How many men were killed qualifying/training in the F-102 (Air National Guard and USAF) vs. how many men were killed "driving" Swift boats in Viet Nam. Hubby did a FULL tour on Swifts at about the same time as Kerry (hubby was further north). He doesn't recall an overwhelming number of OinC's buying the farm. Anyone have any statistics on this?
The only way to do that is for John Kerry to continue confronting these attacks as sleazy hit pieces. He needs to let Americans (preferably in swing states) know how these ads break his heart. "Not only are their attacks hurtful to me and my family. They are also slandering those band of brothers who risked their lives alongside of me in Vietnam. And to me, that is unforgiveable."
Nah, Kerry should have taken the moral high ground and said that while he appreciates their service to this country, his recollections differ from theirs. Instead, he's bashing not only veterans but POWs!
"So Bush stays on the high road while Kerry goes on attack and bleeds support because of these ads. The Kerry camp must change this political dynamic quickly. "
Stop giving them advice Scarboough, we don't want them to win.
Can anyone say "Kerry's Senate Record" he has done a masterful job in drawing attention away from the real issue...his very ultra liberal voting record
I wont be surprised if the media doesnt mention the fact that Zell Miller is a democrat. It would be against everything they believe in. After all, it is the republicans who are suppose to be jumping ship, at least according to NBC.
NBC is also saying Bush is not welcome at the Olympics. http://www.drudgereport.com/flashat.htm
They just want a piece of Kerrys 527 money ($125 Million), and say anything to get some.
Watching Scarborough Country right now......can someone tell me why Joe feels compelled to give advice to the kerry campaign nearly episode?