Sounds like Thurlow did infinitely more that day in the heroic realm than did Jean Fraude Kerri.
And it's not surprising that Thurlow's bravery never made it into the after-action reports, authored by none other than John Kerry. Of course, it was hard for JFK to witness Thurlow's actions, since he was high-tailing it down the river, out of harm's way (after causing that Green Beret to fall overboard). BTW, someone needs to examine the connection between Rassmman and Kerry. Here's a guy who just conveniently popped up at the start of a Presidential campaign and sticks by Kerry's preferred version of events, despite refutation by a number of witnesses. There are lots of accusations that the Swifties were "bought" by GOP donors, but no one bothers to ask why that handful of veterans stand stubbornly by JFK. Most of the pro-Kerry group don't appear to be particularly successful or propserous, so you've got to wonder who was really bought and sold....