They really are something else, aren't they.
I watched you mop up the floor with that dink, and what does he do? Spits at you and declares victory.
CLASSICAL Monty Python "Black Knight" pathology if ever I've seen it.
You hit the nail on the head when you described the Keybots as "no wonder you are never going to win. abrasive, stubborn and wrong."
Abrasive, stubborn, and wrong -- with a heavy emphasis on "abrasive", if this thread is any indicator.
And the classical hallmark of "stubborn" combined "wrong" is their congenital inability to refrain from trying to beat people into agreement.
I don't know if Saint Alan Himself belives -- like his disciples -- that you can insult people into agreement, or attack them until the submit, and thereby gain their votes, but it hardly matters, because if that's the sort of follower he leads, the end result is a no-brainer.
As I think about it, his drones here are operating precisely like a taliban -- the "infidels" must be silenced, destroyed, or, beaten into submission.
Who ever thought it would come to this? The followers (I can't honestly use the word "supporters" anymore) of Alan Keyes, mounting a jihad against anyone who would dare to *disagree* with their prophet. Good grief.
And make no mistake, that's exactly what he's become -- their prophet -- because we are in the realm of "it's right, it's true, and it's good, because Alan says is it".
Followers, disciples... the Cult of Alan Keyes.
They will of course keep it up, and raise the ante. And, when it all fails for them, they will naturally blame everyone *else* -- for "racism" and so forth.
Laughable, yes -- especially given Keyes' stumping FOR an explicitly racist proposal. But, I expect to see the accusations thrown nonetheless, after he loses the election in a landslide. Maybe even before that, when it becomes obvious that he's headed to total defeat.
So surreal. A "conservative leader" calling for unadulterated marxist redistributionism, and his deluded followers taking up the pitchfork and torch, raging at his critics, in a mad jihad of "purity".
If this was fiction, it wouldn't sell. It's THAT far out.
Scan the appropriate threads and you'll find virtually ALL of Keyes' "supporters" have said that they, too, think he's wrong on this.
So just maybe they are bashing the anti-Keyes crowd for some OTHER reason?
(note for the record i don't mean YOU when I say "anti-keyes crowd" I take on good faith your claim to have been a supporter up until now)