Look here you.
You were one of the nastier posters on the Arnold threads.
Now let's at least be HONEST!
Howlin is correct about you slamming
other Republicans who do not meet your
particular definition of a conservative.
You know from me here on the boards,
that I HOPE Keyes wins and that I
would vote for him were I in IL or
for that matter, IF I could via a dead
person lying in some democrat graveyard
in IL.
OUR enemies are democrats.
I wish folks would understand THAT.
Well, if you are interested in honesty, be honest about the fact that Arnold is a pro-abortion liberal who just happened to have a highly qualified conservative opponent in that particular race.
Here's a test: Have you heard me make one peep about Arnold since he became the Republican Governor of California?
If the answer is no, then the accusations you all fling at me are once again proved specious.
And be honest about the fact that the poster you defend accused my of attacking the President; which isn't true.
Tell that to the Keyes-bashers, not to me.
They have been attacking a Republican Senate nominee for almost two weeks now.
Have you participated?