"... the government has no right to endorse any particular religion ..."
Correct. And the public schools are agencies of the government. Sectarian prayers should not be led by public officials acting in their official capacity.
"Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"
IOW, you spout typical ACLU crap...
Since the days of the Warren Court, judicial decisions have removed the vestal remnants of Christianity and, in the more radical cases, even belief in God from government. In so doing, they have not achieved neutrality, but rather promoted a rival religion. Public officials are supposed to follow the religion of secular humanism in matters of state, even if they trust in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their personal salvation. It matters not if Bush is a Methodist or Kerry professes to be a Catholic. Their decision making is supposed to come from a worldview closer to that of Bertrand Russell than to those of John Wesley or Thomas Aquinas.
Every government is based on one sort of religion or another. People, whether atheist, agnostic, deist, Christian, Jewish, etc., should not be impelled to have their tax money support the promulgation of beliefs they oppose, especially to their own children.