I don't know what issues swirl around in the Jewish community but I do know that the deaf community don't care a bit about their huge unemployment rates, low education, or horrible English literacy rates. They instead focus on silly things like getting more shows to be federally closed-captioned. I think this is the same with all "minority" groups including Judiasm, and of American voters at large. Immediate benefits, not long-term solutions.
Also, negative comments make a MUCH bigger impact than any positive comments put together. Jane Fonda wasn't representative of all Democrats, but she sure turned off a lot of military people from voting Democrat forever. I know she did that to my dad. The adult Jews have had to put up with a lot of crap in their life, and they associate anti-Semitism with Christians/conservatives, justly or unjustly.
Likewise, I think that the reason that a majority of young Jews are voting Republicans is because they go to college and they see that anti-Semitism is very prevalent there now disguised as "anti-Zionism". At the local uber-liberal university... any posters advertising the Israel club are immediately defaced with pro-Arab messages written on them.
Just tossing the theories out in the wind... reading this thread is breaking my heart.
So Jews vote Democrat so they can "get stuff?" But I thought all Jews cared about was money?? They can buy their own stuff, therefore.
BTW - most of the GOP Jews I know are middle-aged, and have been Republican since Reagan or before.
Plus, I remind some of the not-so-brights on this thread, that Charles Krauthammer, Dorothy Rabinowitz, Bill Kristol, and a whole list of others are not only Republican Jews, but are among the most respected and influential of Republican Jews.