What the heck are you talking about?
90% of christians, if not more understand that evolution is the best scientific theory, they also understand that creationism is a religious theory.
They also have NO problem with believing both.
This is the way science sees it, this is the way religion sees it.
They are able to separate the 2 and look at it from different perspectives.
Why are you creationists here unable or unwilling to do that? This is Science, Evolution, biology, etc and this is religion, Creationism, flood, etc.
They are different, one is based on conclusions based on facts, the other is faith based, with conclusions based on written words in a book.
Why is it so hard for you to separate the 2.
EVERY post that an "evolutionist" makes is based on science, not faith, every post by a creationist is based on faith. The 2 are NOT compatible.
Why the creationist must have us say that creationism or ID is scientific, when it most definitely is not, and why your faith for some reason must be backed up via science is beyond me as well.
Care to explain?
Yes but theyre all going to burn in eternal hellfire.