Some time ago, someone gave me a tape with Tiny Tim's story recorded on it, told by Sharon. I've cried listening to this tape more times that I care to recall. Finally I decided to pass it on to somebody else, with a request to listen to it and then pass it on again. Thank God for President Bush and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act!
Former fetus - aren't we all?
And some of us were preemie babies. Myself at 34 wks (not so odd) and my college roommate at 31. A friend had 3 children - 2 of them born more than 2 months early. My neighbor's twins were just shy of 3 months early, one did not survive. Some of our neighbor's actually shook their heads in disbelief when they had a funeral service for her. I was shocked at their reaction. It was not lost on me, visiting these mothers and their babies in hospital that just down the hall babies just like their babies were being discarded as medical waste - or sold for 'parts'. It was positively disturbing. And one of these mothers (not the twins mother) was adamantly pro-abortion.