"don't give valid answers"
Part of the problem is that many pollsters ask such loaded questions.
For example "Should the Federal Marriage Amendment be passed, or should it be up to the states to ban gay marriage?"
Well wait a minute! Somebody who beleives in the state deciding isn't necessarily against the FMA. Why not just ask the question straight:
"Should the Federal Marriage Amendment be passed?"
If they asked the question that way, you would see that an overwhelming majority answer YES! So why do pollsters ask it the first way, which is less accurate? Need I even ask?
Actually a lot of people have gotten rid of their home phones in favor of cell phones. Since pollsters are forbidden to call cell phones this skews any poll. I think this topic will be much discussed after the November election. BTW, have you noticed that is mostly older Democrat clueless types that don't use cell phones?
That will be a blessing. There's one area of the economy that I hope is hit hard with layoffs after November: polling organizations.