To: quidnunc
Albert Wang has, in the face of polls predicting otherwise, boldly stated that November will be a 45 state Bush blowout.
To: AlbertWang
It's only bold if it turns out he is right.
To: AlbertWang
Cripplecreek thinks Albert Wang may be onto something.
7 posted on
08/14/2004 4:20:08 PM PDT by
(Here, bite down on this.)
To: AlbertWang
Such a Wang Wowee, if true, or even just a Fair Frolic of 57.5%, would surely include substantial legislative coattails.
To: AlbertWang
Albert Wang has, in the face of polls predicting otherwise, boldly stated that November will be a 45 state Bush blowout.If it even begins to look that bad for Kerry you can bet he's going to get a bad case of Toricelli-itis and drop out of the race in favor of Edwards.
13 posted on
08/14/2004 4:26:15 PM PDT by
(If Clinton did a good job stopping the Millenium Bomber, I've got 2 Towers in NYC to sell you...)
To: AlbertWang
I was saying that when the Dems were still in the primaries.
22 posted on
08/14/2004 4:35:05 PM PDT by
(I question the timing of this post)
To: AlbertWang
Albert Wang has, in the face of polls predicting otherwise, boldly stated that November will be a 45 state Bush blowout.
I can't go 45, but I'm with you to up to 40 states.
59 posted on
08/14/2004 6:33:15 PM PDT by
(Magnetic BUSH/CHENEY bumper stickers --->
To: AlbertWang
64 posted on
08/14/2004 6:56:56 PM PDT by
The G Man
(This election is a choice between a War on Terror and a Negotiation with Terror.)
To: AlbertWang
Popular vote: Bush - 56%; Kerry - 42%; Others - 2%; to go along with your 45 state blowout.
69 posted on
08/14/2004 11:17:19 PM PDT by
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