We survived Clinton, we'd survive Kerry. But we can't afford now to dither and just survive, what with the Islamofascists trying to kill us all. The times call for a strong, assured, consistant leader.
Kerry is only the second worst thing that could happen to our country. The number one worst thing is the junior senator from New York.
I know that this was a part of a quote, and I certainly don't intend to be mean or coldhearted...
...but I'm sure that there are some people in New York, Washington D.C., Kosovo, Bosnia, Pennsylvania, the USS Cole, Afghanistan and Iraq that might have an alternate opinion...were they alive to present it.
If one of the main criticisms of John Kerry is about what he did when he returned home, and how it strengthened the enemy, then it's safe to say that the errors from the Clinton terms have a collateral and lingering effect that exists even to this day.
Of course, most will give Clinton a pass, and will blame the President.
I could guess that it took President Reagan a while to clear up the messes of the Carter years. Let's pray that this Republican President will have more time to not only clear up Clinton's messes, but to create more favorable conditions for our next President to continue.
It's his judges/justices we might not survive. Can we afford any more ginsbergs and kennedy's? hanoi john would be there 4 years, but his judges/justices are for LIFE...30-40+ years each. They will legislate from the bench. Stroke of the Pen..Law of the Land.......