Fantastic report and pictures Tonk, Thanks!
When they were driving through Garberville (Southern Humboldt County) they found me at the Branding Iron Saloon. They recognized my car and so I left half my beer and we convoyed down the road to set up the Leggett Chapter of Free Republic.
Here is one of the trees in the area:
If they would have been about two weeks earlier they could have taken part in the fund raiser for the Leggett Valley Fire Department. It is all volunteer and runs on a budget of $21,000 a year.
The food was good...pig-in-a-pit:
I'll post more info on the trip through the tourist traps later on a separate thread.
Soon I have to go to leave for Santa Cruz to work on the CoralitosFR Chapter's clubhouse...
Thanks Tonk for the use of your thread.
Your Welcome!