I plan on buying my copy of this book from B&N.
I think it is quite entertaining to plop my book down on the counter and loudly talk about how excited I am to finally get to read the book. When doing this, I plan to loudly announce a few facts I had read that were detailed by O'Neill.
If the cashier gives me grief about my purchase I get to call the manager and loudly complain how shabbily I've been treated.
Then you send the name of the metal wearing metro sexual clerk and manager who abused you to the board of B&N. Ask them to clean up their act or get turned into the SEC for wasting $'s for political reasons instead of business reasons.
That's what I do. I go into the store, and when I don't see a huge display of a certain conservative book, I make them go search for it (they had NO copies of Larry Elder's Showdown on display). Their mouths might be a little pursed when I'm checking out, but I am the one paying for it, so I gush that it was such a great book, I'm buying one for my sister/brother/mom/niece/etc. LOL, it's great fun!