Kerry's strategy is to deal with any mention of his record as a "vindictive attack" by the dirty, conniving, lying, indecent Republicans. I think it comes off as whiny and thin-skinned, personally.
Backlash by wishy-washy fencesitters...who cares?
Politically I see more risk than reward here. Yes, Mccain is a loose cannon, and Kerry is phony to trump his Vietnam service without taking some honest criticism too. But Kerry can be beat without this attack, warranted as it may be. There are a lot of people who will listen to McCain and see it as a Bush dirty trick. At best, this should have been saved for closer to the election, to see if it was truly needed.
Say what?!
Who cares? The Bush campaign cares. Republicans care. And this conservative cares. The wishy-washy fencesitters happen to be the undecided voters. Aside from a total meltdown by either campaign, the undecided voters hold the key to election day victory for either Bush or Kerry.