I asked you a very simple question: when did Ronald Reagan ever call a political foe "evil"?
When has Dubya done so?
Or did you mean an AMERICAN political foe?
Just what in the world are you two guys arguing about?....You're making me laugh....lol
You'd have to ask Bush and the Reagans about that. But my question still stands: Why would they HAVE to??? Please read the following VERY carefully:
Non-personal things/entities are not evil (notwithstanding the leftist view if guns). Evil is predicated of moral agents (i.e., persons). So, even though we often speak abstractly of evil "governments". "political ideologies", etc., we are really referring to beliefs, actions, etc., of moral agents. Reagan and Bush understand this.
If you suggest otherwise (as in fact your question does), then you are suggesting that Reagan and Bush were so stupid that they don't understand that things/impersonal entities like, oh, say a chair are evil, rather than people.
Please don't take this too hard, but you might want to get up to speed in philosophy (specifically that branch of philosophy known as ONTOLOGY/METAPHYSICS) before continuing in this line of reasoning.
You are actually arguing that people cannot be evil. Do you believe the Bible teaches this? Please answer that question.