Here in Phoenix, the population is increasing with people buying new houses at incredible rates. I'm not talking about illegals, I'm talking about professionals buying 2500 sq/ft houses.
I obviously don't have to explain that all these people have jobs.
The growth of the East valley is somewhere around 1-2 miles of desert built out every year, along a 15-20 mile front.
Stop whining and move to where the jobs are. It's been that way every generation. Still is.
"These people" aren't professionals. This country is not going to subsist on 200 million "professionals" (read: people in service industries that are rapidly being outsourced if they don't require direct hands-on work.)
What's the fate of working-class, poorly educated working people in the Novus Ordo Seculorum - to be Soylent Green?
yes, service jobs. as long as population is growing, there are plenty of jobs in construction, real estate, government is growing, more malls, more stores, more restaurants, more health care, more car dealers, more Jiffy Lubes, more hotels.
but at the core of our economy - where is the productive sector that provides middle class jobs? Manufacturing (employment) was destined to decrease due to automation, I accept that. But we had technology and knowledge jobs - but those are taking a big hit from offshoring. Where to next?