Sorry I have been fighting a head cold, and I misunderstood the question. The 1 in 9.9x 10^167 would apply to the exact same number chosen, (or groups of numbers chosen, in order,) 25 times in a row. It does not say that it is near impossible to have 25 lotto winners in a row.
By the way that is a huge number. It is like if you took all the atoms in the universe, and for each atom in the universe, you have another universe filled with the same number of atoms. Then if I mark one atom in all the universes full of atoms and blindfold you then you get one chance to pick the exact one marked atom. With the exception, that the chances of getting that randomly chosen sequence 25 times in a row, is very very much worse than I described. Thats why odds of 1 in 10^50 or greater are defined as absurd.
No need to apologize. I probably didn't explain what I meant clearly enough. I had a chemistry prof who once said "English is a very poor means of communication." I have come to believe that he was correct.