This is definitely one that needs to be shouted from the rooftops- The ACLU is definitely not for "liberty" when they attempt to restrict people's rights to speech.
Many here have excoriated me for my stance against the constitutional amendment barring gay marriage. Let me be consistent with my principles and also express my total lack of approval for the monitoring of churches by volunteer snitches.
The good news is these people have to sit through sermon after sermon in our churches, silently waiting for one tiny nugget of anti-homosexual speech.
If you're a minister at an outspoken church, and you see some hippie fag looking guys you have never seen before, this is a good time to bring up the subject of how important the book of Deuteronomy is. In detail. For two hours. With four collection calls. And communion. Twice.
At the last moment before the end of services, bid everyone a nice day and remind them not to sodomize each other.
Give them one miniscule tiny nugget which doesn't endorse a candidate. Just enough to have them back next week for the topic of the book of Judges.
Christians are called to minister to these people, but I hope we can do it in a little bit of a vindictive way.
So you know, I am against ANYONE being able to run to some government office to make you stop what you're doing or thinking, unless someone is being harmed.
It applies double for this underhanded weasely sh#t that the left is attempting to pull.
Just think of it- it will be like Moby's troll brigades LIVE in person, where they can't just log in, post a troll, and log off- they have to sit calmly and quietly!
I doubt they'll continue this.
So when I'm offended, where do I go? A Mosque?
Why should there be a Constitutional ammendment against what the Constitution doesn't provide for already? If homosexual marriage is to be made legal, there should be a constitutional ammendment required.