And aside from that, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights confer no rights at all, they merely recognize pre-existing natural rights, among those the right to life and liberty, and the inherent right to defend life and liberty that the Second Amendment represents.
303 mvpel
FR's 'states rightist' contingent flatly deny that we have such natural rights defended by the US Constitution.
If our State has no RKBA's provision in its constitution, we are SOL, according to their brand of 'reason'.
Apparently, unless your State has specifically enumerated a right to be protected, it can regulated, outlawed, or prohibited by majority will or whim.
Weird logic, but there you have it.
"The true patriot scrutinizes the actions of his own government with unceasing vigilance. And when his government violates the morality and rightness associated with principles of individual freedom and private property, he immediately rises in opposition to his government. This is why the gun owners of California might ultimately go down in history as among the greatest and most courageous patriots of our time."
Gun Control, Patriotism, and Civil Disobedience