The Democrats are desperate to package their ossifying ideology into young vessels. It's pathetic.
Zell Miller delivered the best moment of the night. He chopped Alan Colmes into Iron Chef precision chunks with his truthful statement that the Party of American hope, faith, strength and working families is the Republican Party.
Zell is going to be DEVESTATING in the New York Convention. Every blue collar guy and catholic woman in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, MN Iron Range, Iowa and New Jersey are going to listen to Zell and go ... "HELL NO I'm not part of the party of gay marraige, abortion, gun grabbing and racial preference."
Zell's speech will be the "point, game, set, match" of this election. Trade unionist Americans in the rust belt have nothing in common with the 2004 Democrat Party, and they're going to figure it out during Zell Miller's speech.
Are any stars scheduled to be at the Republican convention?
You mean nobody is buying their old (but disguised) "give us all you make and we will spend it better than you" argument? Jeeez. Wonder why? LOL!