Martha is/was a pivotal case for future sentencing of traitors and other criminals. If they are caught lying to the JD, they can now go to jail with a whole lot of their friends there and going there.
If I had my way, Martha would not be serving part of her sentence in her mansion. She is a low life criminal who lived the elite life. She knew better. I knew better over 30 decades whenever I was exposed to insider knowledge to the time I retired and as a consultant, and I wasn't a stock broker or on the Board of the Exchange. So I never broke the law on insider trading.
Now a question for you. Do you think that a Kerry led Justice department will be tougher on terrorists or a John Ashcroft Justice Department?
A Kerry DOJ will be softer on terrorists, domestic criminals, and enforcing almost all laws. The PC mindset at the DOJ is probably a combo of lifers left over from the Clintoon era combined with the general publicity seeking tendencies of those to go after easy cases that will get them plenty of air-time, such as Martha but proceed with caution on cases that may cast themselves in a bad light, such as appearing to not be properly PC.
As an aside, Martha did not commit insider trading, she committed obstruction of justice which is well settled in the law as a crime and she will serve the time she deserves, unlike Clinton who was equally guilty of the same offense.