Please don't think I was saying that we should just lie down and go to sleep on this issue. The Burger theft of documents is very important and should and will be prosecuted, but in this political environment, with the elections upon us, it would be used by the liberals as a weapon against President Bush.
It will be brought to the forefront of public attention at a time of "their chosen time and place", and I think it will be before the elections and close enough to eliminate, as much as possible, the liberal spin.
I hope you're right. But there have been too many instances, from failure to pursue the Clinton staff members who vandalized Federal property prior to leaving the Executive Offices on January 20, 2001 to letting the Democrats ride roughshod over the Republicans on the 9-11 Commission to offer much hope that they will pursue Sandy Berger in this matter. We are three and one-half years into the Bush Administration, and there has been no investigation into the Marc Rich pardon that Clinton signed in the final hours of his administration or the Chinese contribution to the 1996 Clinton reelection campaign.
In my prior post, I opined that there were certain points beyond which one party will not attack the other. I could be wrong. The GOP may be compromised (remember the FBI files) or just stupid. Or the Republicans are foolishly playing by Marquis of Queensbury rules against eye-gouging, groin-kicking street fighters. One thing is for certain. The Democrat run city machines from Pennsylania to Oregon are cranking up the phantom votes even now. If this election continues to be close, rest assured that the dead will come to life from Philadelphia to Portland. If the Justice Department refuses to confront this corruption forcefully, John Ashcroft will return to private practice, and George W. Bush will have plenty of time to clear brush from his Crawford, Texas, ranch.