No such laws are on the books.
and there is also no constitutional right to fly on a plane. if we had an El Al type security system, these Syrians would never have even been able to board that plane.
Not laws. but policy.
Ed Soliday testified to the 911 Commission:
"Immediately after TWA 800, we, as a company, talked with the FAA and said we are prepared to move forward with some security measures to ramp up because we don't know what caused this. The problem is -- and you can make light of it, if you like -- a citizen does not have the right to search and seize. There are privacy issues and, for example, as a company who was prepared to roll CAPPS out and did roll it out long before any other company, a visitor from the Justice Department who told me that if I had more than three people of the same ethnic origin in line for additional screening, our system would be shut down as discriminatory."