What aggravates me is that Berger ( and all the inline spouters) say he went through "thousands of pages" of documents over several days...well hell he must just be turning those hings then cause he ain't reading them and he ain't evaluating them....most reading rooms aren't available more than 8 hours a day( and I doubt he would have put in over time)... IF he worked a solid 8 hrs continuous on each day ( and I doubt that) then 8*60= 480 minutes* 5 days=2400. So old Sandy boy must have lookede at a page per minute in order to view thousands of documents...What a load of crap
He tooked the Evelyn Wood spead reading course. It im proved his comprehension im eas ur a bly. (Cheech and Chong from farther back than I care to say)
The only thing that should be said in reply is, "You are under arrest, Sandy Burglar!"